I've been away for a while and I've returned for some more advice.

This article below was written before Born of the Gods release. Now I have a few more options for my Red/Blue scry deck. Problem is more options just made things more difficult instead of easier. I could use a fresh pair of eyes on this.

Here is the current iteration of the deck I've got: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/red-blue-scry-2/

I only used cards I had but still I'm here to get some advice on this deck for FNM. I'll say this, I'm not interested so much in winning as much as I am just making a deck that's fun to play. I know that seems silly and/or counter productive...just label me special I guess.

So here's the challenge, help me whip this deck into shape while sticking to the theme and I'll mail one lucky adviser a few packs of Magic cards for your trouble. I only ask that you please justify your choices and or changes! Be able to back up what cards I need or say why I need to drop which cards. Are you up for the challenge MAGIC folks?

Otherwise, any and all constructive criticism is welcome...


Could use some advice on this deck build folks.
 Blue / Red Scry / IZZET

 The Theros set appealed to the Greek Mythology geek in me so much. I wanted to make a deck that followed that and was fun to play. Then I met Flamespeaker Adept. Oh yeah, almost had a nerdgasm. So I built this deck around that card. I looked for ways to scry to boost him, and there were plenty of red and blue ways.  I also wanted to capitalize on the instants and sorceries I would be casting to boost Flamespeaker Adept, so I went with IZZET and thought Guttersnipe and Prescient Chimera. While those are the focal points,  I thought putting in the Red God Purphoros  and Young Pyromancer could be interesting as well. 

Still, I found that my biggest issue when deckbuilding is "that I be doin' too much" (my math students say that to me all the time). I guess I try to make a jack of all trades / Batman's utility belt deck that doesn't focus on doing one or two things well.

Check out the link on tappedout.net and let me know what you think. Any advice is welcome.




  1. I put this up on reddit last night, but maybe it's appropriate to throw it up here too.

    You can cut your creatures down to 4x Young Pyromancer, 4x Flamespeaker Adept, 4x Guttersnipe, 2x Prescient Chimera. You don't really need Purphoros, and you'll never get the devotion for Thassa. Omenspeaker is nice but is really only good for scrying, and there are better ways to scry. Chandra's Pheonix might have a place on the sideboard, but doesn't help you scry so it can be expendable.

    Aqueous Form should be a four-of on the mainboard. The thought of setting it up on a Flamspeaker Adept is just sexy.

    Dissolve is way better than Stymied Hopes, but you'll never have enough blue mana sources to consistently cast it until the RU scry land comes out. You could always run a full set of Izzet Guildgate as well as a full set of Steam Vents (which you should have anyway), but it probably isn't worth the sacrifice in tempo. I would be questioning whether you really need to be countering with this deck anyway. The plan should be to stick an Aqueous Form on a Flamespeaker Adept and swing for at least 6 every turn. You want your spells to speed things up, not slow them down.

    I really like Titan's Strength, it gives an attacking Flamespeaker Adept +7/+1 if it has an Aqueous Form. A 9/4 unblockable on turn 4 is nothing to sneeze at. I also like Magma Jet and Voyage's End, and Lost in a Labyrinth could save the day if someone is dumb enough to attack into a Flamespeaker Adept. But then again, everything pumps Flamespeaker Adept, so it might not be necessary.

    The weakness I see is to board-wipes. It may be worth sticking in so Lightning Strike to finish opponents off after they destroy all your creatures, even though it doesn't scry.

    After making those changes I started to think about the mana base. You need 16 blue mana sources in your deck to consistently cast Prescient Chimera on turn five. This just isn't happening (not until the new scry lands are released), so between that and it being the only card left with CMC>3 it gets cut. To fill the lack of creatures it gets replaced by 3x Omenspeaker and 3x Stormcaller of Keranos, which lets you scry even with an empty hand, something that will be quite valuable with no actual card draw.
    Here's the deck I came out with. The sideboard still needs work cuz I just sorta threw stuff in there without thinking too much, but the deck itself should function nicely and it looks super fun. The only thing I'm not sure about is whether or not we have too many creatures and not enough instants. Might want to mainboard some shocks at the expense of an Omenspeaker and a Stormcaller of Keranos, as they are the only creatures who don't do anything special other than scry.

    1. Whoops the link didn't work in that post. Here's the deck I made.


  2. This is a dirt cheap Izzet scry deck I came up with sometime in the middle of December or something. However, this deck is goddamn fast and once it gets its tempo game on, it's game over.

  3. Sean Sun and Gary Bastien

    I have 2 packs of Dragon's Maze for each of you. Send me an address to send them to at icewater74@hotmail.com

